Monday, March 4, 2013

Automatically Delete Temporary Files in Windows 7 [How To]

The Windows Disk Cleanup Wizard will delete your temporary files, but only if they are over a week old. To create a simple batch script that will clean up your temporary directories, do the following (Vista instructions):

Creating the Batch File to Clean Temporary Files

  1. Open Notepad and type the following:
    cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local
    rmdir /S /Q Temp
  2. Save the file as cleantemp.bat
    cleantemp Automatically Delete Temporary Files in Windows 7 [How To]
  3. Now double click on the file to remove your temporary files and free up space on your computer
If this doesn’t work and gives an access error, try replacing %username% with you windows login username.

Automating the Process of Deleting Temporary Files

To automate this process, so you do not need to remember to run it, do the following:
  1. Right click on the batch file and select create shortcut
  2. Place the shortcut in your startup folder in the start menu
Now when you log in to Windows 7, your temporary files will be deleted.


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